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Hear from those who experience SCIS first-hand, our Community Voices, as we celebrate their success stories, learning journeys, and the struggles in between.

Shane Wang

"It’s a long journey ahead and there will be times when your passion will be tested, but just like what they say in sports…. Keep your head up and keep going."

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Wilson Zhao

"Here at SCIS, teachers encourage me to create it however I like, giving me creative freedom and the resources I need to achieve it."

Read More about Wilson Zhao
Jeffery Kao

"The IB programme and philosophy that SCIS follows is a programme that I believe really helps develop kids to become great thinkers, adaptive learning abilities, and global citizens which is something critical in the real world (for current and future).

Read More about Jeffery Kao
Vincent Lehane

"My experience working at SCIS has been a wonderful and inspiring journey so far and I thoroughly enjoy being a part of the community for a multitude of reasons. This school is filled with enthusiastic students, dedicated teachers, and incredible families, which all add to a supportive and dynamic community and learning environment. Being a part of the growth and development of our students as they learn and achieve their goals is a truly rewarding and gratifying experience. The school has also provided me with the opportunity to grow as a professional and leader and in my role as the PYP Coordinator I get to collaborate and learn from my colleagues each and every day. I am and will continue to be a very proud Dragon and am truly grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community here at SCIS."

Read More about Vincent Lehane
Jonny Alexander

"SCIS has provided me many opportunities to evolve my practice in teaching Design and this allowed me to pursue my passion of contributing lifelong learning experiences and processes for the students. The consistency, robust systems in place for learning, community spirit, and friendships crafted make a valuable story for any member of the SCIS community.”

Read More about Jonny Alexander
Jenny Chong

“The SCIS community plays a crucial role in our global journey. Witnessing the progress and development of SCIS students brings me immense pride and joy. The commitment and collaboration among students, parents, and staff cultivate an incredibly positive and nurturing environment that genuinely promotes a meaningful and impactful school experience. As both a parent and teacher at SCIS, it is remarkable to see my children thriving at school, and witnessing their growth socially and academically. We are truly grateful to be part of this diverse international community.”

Read More about Jenny Chong
Yan Yan

"I am enchanted to teach in an international community. The same question may lead to different levels of communication which can be embedded with all sorts of opportunities for cultural exchanges. Also, being a teacher in an inclusive learning environment like SCIS means that every day I am growing together with my students."

Read More about Yan Yan
Miral Marden

“The thing I enjoy the most about teaching in SCIS is the interaction with a diverse set of educators and students from all over the world. I am becoming more flexible as a teacher by applying Universal Design for Learning every day when interacting with different types of learners.”

Read More about Miral Marden



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