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  • Service Learning
Bridging Culture & SCIS | Taking Steps to Connect with Shanghai

Written by Haakon Gould, Service-Learning Coach & DP CAS Coordinator

We couldn’t have asked for a better weekend. With sunny skies and crisp autumn air, it was the perfect afternoon for a stroll through this incredible city we all call home. A wonderful cross-section of our SCIS community came together to explore Shanghai, guided by local experts and students, who connected their classroom learning to the city’s history, development, and everyday life. As Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This experience reminded us that learning is more than just information—it's an experience about truly connecting with a place, its people, and its many stories.

Relive the journey with us and watch below:


Where Connections Begin

Stories connect us. We want to bring these stories to life by connecting with what we learn, with people, and with the world around us. Right here Shanghai is the perfect place to start. We’re excited to partner with Historic Shanghai on this journey of community-engaged learning. Listen with your ears, eyes, and especially your heart.


Connecting the Dots: Equations in the Everyday

“Having just learned about solving linear equations, students were given the challenge of creating their own real-life scenarios. For their chosen context, they had to develop a formula and questions of varying difficulty (mild, medium, and spicy), and provide worked answers.” 

– Evelyn Knights, Upper School Math Teacher

“Math brings patterns into our life, just like history reveals the stories of a city. Exploring equations opens up new ways to think and see the world around us.” 

- Yolanda, Grade 8

Canvas and Composition: Connecting to Shanghai’s Identity

“Through the lens of art, the Grade 9 Visual Arts students are exploring what shapes and influences their personal identities. By examining the cultural context of our diverse community in Shanghai and connecting this to their own nationalities and backgrounds, the students aim to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, which they then express and communicate through their artwork.” 

– Nadene Timm, Upper School Visual Arts Teacher

“As part of our investigation into Jazz and Blues, the Grade 9 class has explored the roots of Jazz and the influences it has had on society. Here in Shanghai, there is a thriving Jazz scene and this helps us to connect the dots between the music of the past to the music of today and of the city we live in.” 

– Glen Fleury, Upper School Music Teacher


“Community engagement helps us learn and grow together as a group and share our thoughts with a diverse set of people in our community.” 

- Rachel, Grade 9

Customs and Connections: Uniting Through Diversity

“In our Spanish Language class, students discovered that cultural differences in language can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or uncomfortable moments, highlighting the challenges of communicating across cultures. After planning, they created dialogues to show these misunderstandings and explored what ideas might be universal in cross-cultural communication.” 

– Rafael Navajas, Upper School Language Acquisition Teacher

“In this unit, students learned about changes in family structures, the increase in single-parent families, and the connections between neighbors in China. The list of interview questions reflects carefully chosen vocabulary. Through conversations, we hope to build language skills and learn about social changes in Chinese communities.” 

– Helen He, Upper School Language Acquisition Teacher


Connecting the Past and Present: Ideologies in Shanghai

“Students explored ideologies, examining how these systems have evolved and shaped societies over time. This study helped them understand how ideologies continue to influence modern thinking and societal structures.” 

– Antonina Peneva, Upper School Individuals & Societies Teacher


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Another Thank You to Patrick & Tina from Historic Shanghai 



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