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Our Caring Community Spark's Kindness to Save Lives!

They say that no act of kindness, however small, goes unnoticed. Well, it was these small deeds, combined with the dedication and selflessness of our caring school community, that meant we were able to raise a combined 310,000 RMB towards life-saving surgeries.

The collective efforts of everyone involved in this year’s fundraisers mean that we will be able to fully sponsor ten and co-sponsor one heart surgeries for children served by Heart to Heart Shanghai.

As a non-profit and fully volunteered organization, Heart to Heart relies 100% on the kindness of others. Led by Karen Carrington, Executive Director at Heart to Heart Shanghai, the community organization provides support and financial assistance to Chinese children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) that require surgery. “It truly changes the lives of these children” Karen comments, “and then it changes the lives of their entire family!” 


Art from the Heart

Starting out the fundraising efforts this year was our PAFA team at our SCIS ECE Campus. It held the 6th annual Charity Art Auction. Students worked together on creating fantastic artworks that were auctioned off during the charity event. One masterpiece sold for an astonishing 7,000 RMB alone!

The evening also consisted of a silent auction. Thanks to our generous sponsors, over 36 different packages were auctioned off. Prizes ranged from greats eats around town to fun and family-friendly activities.

At the end of the night, an outstanding 120,000 RMB was collected from proceeds of the auction, support from the SCIS board, and donations from parents and friends!


One Heart, One Love

Running for the second year in a row, the Heart to Heart fundraising week at SCIS Hongqiao Main Campus was a resounding success. Topping last year’s 157,602 RMB raised, the SCIS community was able to raise over 191,221 RMB in donations towards Heart to heart Shanghai.

Students showed an impressive amount of agency and led many of their own fundraising activities. “The energy that the students are giving back providing to this fundraiser is just amazing, encouraging, and inspiring!” comments Michael Barrs, Heart to Heart Fundraising Chairman & Teacher at SCIS.

Through active ownership, students were able to raise 60,000 RMB completely on their own accord.

First, the student council ran a market day, which brought in 15,000 RMB in donations.

Then, our upper school swim team organized a Swimathon. Student-athletes swam their hearts out in exchange for donations, raising nearly 12,000 RMB in a couple of hours’ work.


Heart of Stars

For the second year running, our upper school Interact club, led by this year’s president Cindy Chen, organized a talent show and raised 33,000 RMB. The completely student-led fundraiser event, thoughtfully named Heart of Stars, saw talented individuals from international schools across Shanghai take to the stage to perform.


One School

A little spark of kindness can put a colossal burst of sunshine into someone’s day. For ten children with CHD, their days got a whole lot brighter. It was all thanks to the generosity and commitment of our caring community. Through the combined efforts of our students, parents, teachers, and friends, our school came together in a beautiful act of kindness and was able to raise a grand total of 311,221 RMB!

One Love. One School.


SCIS. A Caring Community.

  • Heart to Heart

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