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  • Community
Communitas Spring 2024 | A Voyage of Discovery

Embark on a journey of exploration and insight with the Communitas Spring 2024 edition, A Voyage of Discovery. Our school magazine, Communitas, captivates narratives, reflections, and interviews penned by our SCIS members as they share their unique perspectives, stories, and adventures. 

From heartfelt reflections to inspiring tales of resilience and growth, this edition promises to offer readers a glimpse into the diverse experiences that define our vibrant community. Join us as we celebrate the spirit of discovery and connection, inviting you to read and savor the latest stories that illuminate the essence of our SCIS family。 

Access the Communitas e-version below: 

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Cover Story 

A Voyage of Discovery (Pg. 5) by Daniel Eschtruth, Director of Schools at SCIS 

With the astounding growth in the consumption of social media services amongst young people within the recent, short number of years, it is more crucial than ever to take our role as educators, thoughtfully and seriously, in guiding our students in instilling confidence in themselves. 


The Arts 

Melodies in Motion: Crafting Musical Journeys at SCIS Pudong (Pg. 16) by Susan Ogletree, MYP/DP Music Teacher at SCIS Pudong 

One evening last November, a grade nine student waited anxiously in the wings of the theatre at SCIS Pudong. He was preparing to perform in the Winter Arts concert with another student in his class, a piano player and one of the best musicians in the school. Perhaps the word “anxious” isn’t quite correct because Lucas was not nervous, just excited. 


Campus Spotlights 

The Magical World of Dramatic Play: Fostering Symbolic Expression in Children (Pg. 20) by Heather Knight, Early Childhood Principal at SCIS Hongqiao 

As adults, we often marvel at the boundless imagination of children. Between the ages of two and six, youngsters possess a remarkable ability to transform living rooms into jungles, cardboard boxes into spaceships, and themselves into superheroes or mythical creatures. This is the world of dramatic play, a stage on which childhood creativity knows no bounds. 


Access the Communitas e-version below: 

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