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Fostering the School-Home Relationship 

Written by Mirian Bonomi, Upper School Counselor at SCIS Hongqiao, and Mikael Masson Perez, Communications Manager at SCIS

From early years to upper school, children learn best when the significant adults in their lives, such as parents, teachers, and other family members, work together to support them.  

A good home-school relationship is much more than just reporting about a child’s academic performance or behavior in class. Ideally, it is a partnership that provides mutual understanding about a child’s learning and social-emotional development both in the classroom and at home.    

The following tips aim to highlight ways in which parents can start their relationship-building efforts with the school on the right foot.  


1. Close the gap and strive for continuity 

Inside the classrooms, teachers work diligently to foster and encourage children’s independence. Starting in the early years, this is done in every sense of the way with children encouraged to tackle everyday tasks independently. They get dressed, feed themselves, and aim to solve problems on their own. It is important to strive for a continuation of this when the child returns home from school.  

2. Develop fine motor and social-emotional skills

Allowing children to independently take on physical tasks enables the development of motor skills. Returning to our previous example, young children develop certain muscle groups and strengths when undertaking physical tasks, such as getting dressed. Movements such as pinching, pulling, pushing, and grasping are developed. These same fine motor skills are directly involved in the development of writing.  


3. Allow mistakes to happen and own up to them

Mistakes are very much a part of the learning process, and a child will often not realize it is a ‘mistake’ until it is pointed out to them by adults, which is often unnecessary. Trial and error are valid ways of developing problem-solving skills. When kids are trying to solve a puzzle or fit Lego pieces together, for example, letting them explore and figure things out on their own are wonderful opportunities for learning and growth.  

4. Give children a sense of belonging and responsibility

Children yearn to be included and participate in all aspects of family life. Giving children a voice and the ability to express their opinions, share their ideas, and be heard is extremely important. This promotes a sense of unity and belonging within their own home, where they feel connected with their family and comfortable enough to open up and talk about their struggles and share other aspects of their lives.    


5. Build a three-way communication bridge

Just as important as it is for teachers to let parents in on what is going on inside the classroom, parents need to inform the school about what is happening on their side of the spectrum. Relaying observations about your children’s behavior at home to your teacher or counselor will ensure everyone is on the same page. When teachers and counselors are aware of what is going on with a student’s life outside of school, they can better understand behavior or academic changes.  


6. Reach out for support 

Bringing up children is not always an easy task and can present some struggles for families along the way. As the saying goes “it takes a village”! Educators and counselors can always collaborate and work in partnership with families and vice-versa. The responsibility to strengthen the home-school relationship should come from both sides. As a school, we are not only working with students but with the whole family.   


SCIS. Self-Directed Learners.

  • school-home relationship
  • self-directed learners

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