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Navigating the Future: How SCIS and the IB Prepare Students for an AI-Influenced World

Prompt by Gregory Read, Director of Technology and Innovation at SCIS 

We are pleased to present this article on how the Shanghai Community International School (SCIS) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme can effectively prepare students for a future where AI, big data, and machine learning are becoming increasingly prevalent. It is worth noting that the content of this article was generated with the assistance of an AI large language model (LLM), but we have taken great care to ensure that the information provided is both informative and accurate. We hope that this article offers valuable insights into the relationship between AI and education, and we welcome your feedback and comments. 

In today's rapidly evolving world, it's essential for students to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a technology-driven society. At SCIS, we provide a diverse and inclusive learning environment that fosters cross-cultural understanding, which is crucial in a world where AI and big data are transforming the way we communicate and connect across borders. We focus on global perspectives and offer programs and activities that encourage students to engage with real-world issues and develop a deep understanding of our interconnected world. Our approach equips students with the tools and knowledge to navigate a rapidly changing world where AI and other emerging technologies are becoming increasingly important. 

To prepare students for success in an AI-influenced world, SCIS and the IB provide a comprehensive educational program that emphasizes inquiry-based learning, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Our educational philosophy stresses interdisciplinary learning, which is crucial for understanding the complex relationship between technology, society, and the environment. By encouraging students to think critically and creatively, we prepare them to tackle the challenges of a world influenced by AI and other emerging technologies. 

SCIS invests in cutting-edge facilities and tools, such as design labs, 3D printers, robotics, and laser cutters, among others, to ensure that students are well-prepared to engage with emerging technologies and build the digital literacy skills required for success in a technology-driven society. 

Moreover, we provide students with numerous opportunities for experiential learning, such as internships, community service, residential trips within China, and other hands-on learning activities. These programs help students apply their knowledge in real-world contexts, hone their problem-solving skills, and develop the information and skills required to succeed in a world influenced by AI and other emerging technologies. In this way, SCIS ensures that students are not just prepared to engage with technology but also to use it for the benefit of society. 

As we navigate a rapidly changing world influenced by AI and other emerging technologies, it's vital to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a technology-driven society. At SCIS, our comprehensive educational program prepares students to tackle the challenges of the future with confidence. We invest in cutting-edge facilities and provide numerous opportunities for experiential learning to ensure that our students are well-prepared to engage with emerging technologies and use them for the benefit of society. With our approach and philosophy, we inspire our students to be the change-makers of tomorrow. 

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The above article used Copy.ai an LLM computer program on March 22, 2023, to generate the initial copy of the text using the prompt: “Convince why the Shanghai Community International School and the IB are excellent options for preparing students to be successful in the future where AI, big data and machine learning will become more ubiquitous.” At the time of writing this article, there is no agreed way to cite AI in academic papers and this is an area that is continuing to be developed. The IB has decided not to ban AI software as it believes that it will become a tool that is used in our everyday lives much like spelling and grammar correction features in word processing software. We as a learning community must learn how to develop our AI skills to stay ahead and be prepared for the future in a rapidly changing world. 


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