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The 8th Annual SCIS ECE Charity Art Auction Raised 100K+ RMB!

Written by May Botha, PAFA ECE Representative at SCIS Hongqiao 

On 22 April 2023, our incredible Parents and Friends Association (PAFA) successfully hosted the Eighth Annual SCIS ECE Charity Art Auction, in support of a special fund in Shanghai that sponsors children with congenital heart disease in China. 

With approximately 80 attendees, we are proud to announce that our SCIS community raised a whopping 107,350 RMB - meaning three children will receive lifesaving surgeries this year! The competition was heated, and this year’s top bid went to Ms. Megan Beer’s class. The classroom artwork titled “A classroom woven together” was auctioned for an extraordinary 8,300 RMB! 

2023 marks 10 years of this invaluable ECE / local foundation partnership. Currently, the ECE Charity Art Auction has accounted for 33 children’s heart surgeries. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who attended, participated, volunteered, and sponsored, on the evening. To all our community sponsors for your generous donations, the event could not transpire without you. Especially to our platinum sponsors: Rocket Brain, Crowne Plaza, Subconscious Day Spa, SkinCity 5.5, AKS, Puresmile, Rains, Refuge, Delta Health, and Steven Zhou.

A special vote of thanks to our ECE teachers for facilitating and making the art pieces come to life. To our parent volunteers and main campus musicians, thank you for creating a fun, electrifying atmosphere. 

To Ms. Knight and the ECE support staff for their coordination and smooth running of the event. Ayi’s and guards – we see you all. Our ECE catering team from Basil n Latte for the delicious eats. Kris Fu, a Kindergarten dad of two and our MC for the evening.  

And to Mr. E for keeping us entertained throughout. Lastly, thank you to our PAFA ECE representatives - Lucky and May for reminding us that we are all heroes and bringing our community together. 

Next year, we hope to do it all over again. Watch this space. 

SCIS. Caring Community. 

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