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Welcoming our Incoming Faculty Members for the 2021-22 School Year

As the new 2021-2022 school year approaches, we are very excited to share a special message from a few of our new faculty members!   

Joining our community this year is a group of knowledgeable teachers and staff. Incoming faculty have already proven their eagerness, excellence, and drive to create challenging learning opportunities for our students.   

Throughout this past week, new staff members have been adjusting to life at SCIS by touring the campus, meeting returning staff, and getting acquainted with their classrooms. Both new and returning teachers, administration, and faculty are working together to prepare for another amazing year. You can feel life filling campus walls again and it has us looking forward to what is to come!   


Meet our Faculty

Feel free to visit our faculty page for more information

SCIS. Truly International.

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